Author Archives: hrcadmin
Ecocide and the ‘polluter pays’ principle: the case of fracking
Karen Hulme and Damien Short assess the effectiveness of economic instruments for the prevention of environmental damage. It seems as though the environment is subjected to attacks on its integrity and its viability on a daily basis. In the 1970s … Continue reading
Access under homes for fracking: Consultation
‘My government will introduce a bill to bolster investment in infrastructure and reform planning law to improve economic competitiveness. The bill will enhance the United Kingdom’s energy independence and security by opening up access to shale and geothermal sites and … Continue reading
Small Global: Extreme Energy at Glastonbury 2014 with Greenpeace
By Natalie Sims and Helle Abelvik-Lawson As part of a broader display about the effects of climate change on the Arctic in the Greenpeace field at Glastonbury this year, D-Fuse and the Extreme Energy Initiative will exhibit Small Global: Extreme … Continue reading
Extreme Energy and Climate – A critical review of the UK Government’s policy on unconventional fossil fuels and climate change
By Paul Mobbs, Mobbs’ Environmental Investigations This report provides a critical analysis of the evidence supporting Government’s recent policy announcements on the issue of ‘extreme energy’ sources (tight oil and gas, shale gas, coalbed methane and underground coal gasification) in … Continue reading
Fracking may not be as financially viable as its proponents claim, says Oxford energy report
By Natalie Sims Last month, the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES) published a report, US Shale Gas and Tight Oil Industry Performance: Challenges and Opportunities, about the financial drain on energy companies caused by their investment in shale gas … Continue reading
“A fistful of train tickets”: Eight months travelling for an explanation of the rush to develop unconventional gas
Published in The Ecologist, 5th March 2014, under the title, ‘Fracking is the death spasm of a defunct economic order’ By Paul Mobbs, Mobbs’ Environmental Investigations and Research, February 2014. For five years Paul Mobbs has been working on ‘unconventional gas’ … Continue reading
A Burning Issue: How UK demand for biomass is harming communities and forests around the world.
The UK’s big biomass demand Demand for biomass is sky-rocketing in the UK, with 42 new biomass power stations proposed across the country. Energy companies have announced plans to burn over 68.9 million tonnes of biomass, nearly seven times the … Continue reading
Going to Extremes: The project to develop unconventional gas extraction in Britain
On Wednesday 4 December 2013 environmental investigator Paul Mobbs delivered a review of the Government’s policies on unconventional gas in Britain, and how these fit into the greater issue of resource depletion and growth. Experience from around the world indicates … Continue reading
Agribusiness: Extreme energy through crops yielding?
By Laura Muñoz Lopez – CAHR, University of York In this brief discussion about agrifuels, the aim is to highlight that despite their consideration as a clean and renewable energy and a substitute for fossil fuels, the reality is that … Continue reading
‘In violation of the rules of natural justice’: Alberta wrong to exclude environmentalists from oil sands regulatory process
In Early October a judge quashed the decision made by the county of Alberta, Canada not to allow environmental groups to take part in hearings on a proposed oil sands project. The province said the groups were not directly affected … Continue reading