Marcellus Shale and Global Warming [VIDEO]

Presenters: Bob Howarth, Rene Santoro, and Tony Ingraffea.

Description: Presentation in advance of the release of a long anticipated peer-reviewed study of the relative contribution to global warming by greenhouse gas emissions from conventional and un-conventional gas production compared with coal.  Dr. Anthony Ingraffea of Cornell University claims that because unconventional wells have a greater total length than conventional wells, due to their lateral extensions underground, they require more and heavier drilling equipment, longer drilling time, higher probability of drilling problems, and more venting during drilling. Longer wells require more and heavier fracking equipment, more stages and volume per stage, more plugs and longer drill-out periods. Also significant, these large-scale drilling operations produce more flowback waste and produced water, which in turn means higher volumes of waste for longer periods and more venting and flaring of gas.

Sponsored by Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Cornell University.


(The presentation was made on March 15, 2011)

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