Thursday 15th October 4pm-5.30pm
Senate House, Malet Street, London – Room 243
Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith (Australia): Dr Lloyd-Smith is a Senior Advisor at IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network) and for the National Toxics Network (NTN) Inc, a community based network working to ensure a toxic-free future for all. NTN was formed in 1993 and has grown as a national network giving a voice to community and environmental organisations across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Dr Lloyd-Smith will discuss the latest evidence against underground coal gasification (UCG). Mariann will address the pollution record of the three pilot UCG projects undertaken in Australia and talk about the litany of disasters which has seen over 300 km² quarantined, affecting families and farmers alike. She will also comment on the investigations underpinning the current Queensland government’s legal case against Linc Energy and its UCG project, costing the taxpayer $6.5 million plus.