Extreme energy in the UK is arousing extreme reactions, write Jess Elliot & Damien Short. On the one side stand citizens committed to preserving the quality of the local and global environment. And against them, a government determined to let fracking rip, and police forces prepared to ignore legal norms to suppress the growing popular resistance.
Read full article here
The same applies to nuclear. Why is Nuclear still not included as an Extreme Energy by the EEI? There are many groups in the UK asking for a halt to nuclear, opposing new nuclear and urging nuclear safety with existing wastes.
Please, as a matter of urgency include nuclear as an extreme energy, it relies on human rights abuses, unquantifiable fossil fuel, chemical and fresh water use…and is unique in its extremes with the capacity to bankrupt our financial system, our health and our environment irrevocably.
Yours sincerely,
Marianne Birkby