An article from our supporting campaign, extreme energy action network Frack Off Summary Fracking threatening Sussex countryside Cuadrilla have licences for 270 square miles Planning permission to drill in Balcombe Targeting layer within Kimmeridge Clay Analogous to Bakken Shale in North Dakota Would … Continue reading
Exploding the fracking hype: A response to the latest UK shale gas figures
An article from our supporting campaign, extreme energy action network Frack Off. Summary Latest government fracking announcement Sparse on details, but plenty of hype Wild claims regarding vast amounts of gas Technical or economic aspects not addressed Would require 10,000 of … Continue reading
Brief review of threats to Canada’s groundwater from the oil and gas industry’s methane migration and hydraulic fracturing
Nearly a decade ago Encana, one of the world’s largest natural gas producers, began a risky and experimental drilling program that required intense hydraulic fracturing for shallow coalbed methane (Horseshoe Canyon Formation) throughout central Alberta. Landowner Jessica Ernst, President of Ernst … Continue reading
Cuadrilla: UK fracking to have ‘basically insignificant’ impact on consumer gas prices
A PR representative from the UK’s only active shale gas producer Cuadrilla – led by Chairman Lord Browne, former CEO of BP – admitted last week that there would be a ‘basically insignificant’ impact on gas prices from domestic shale … Continue reading